Hytera PoC radios delivers operational value for the logistics industry
The UK logistics industry relies on good communications to keep track of its vehicles and deliveries, to stay in touch with drivers and to organise activities at depots and warehouses. This has become even more apparent in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed unprecedented demand on the industry, especially the road transport sector.

In addition to keeping the nation supplied with essential foods and medicines and ensuring supply chains stay operational, the logistics industry has also had to respond to a huge rise in demand for online shopping with a consequent massive increase in household deliveries.
Hytera Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) devices offer a highly reliable communication solution for the logistics industry. PoC radios combine instant PMR-style push-to-talk (PTT) technology and wide area 2G, 3G, 4G and WLAN networks to deliver greater efficiency and productivity.
The PNC380 is ideal for delivery drivers, as it provides a PTT service in the depot and also out on the road where they cannot access PMR networks. The device can be used by supervisors to locate and track drivers to provide real-time awareness of vehicle location and delivery status.
The PNC380 is not a mobile smartphone, so there is no monthly contract. The device is rugged and durable, so it will last a long time, making it a very cost-effective way to provide everything a driver needs on a single radio. The device has a mobile Sim card, so the driver can call the customer directly using the keypad.
The PDC550 is perfect for the depot and warehouse environment, as it is both a rugged PTT radio and a smartphone, so users can communicate with PMR, PoC and smartphone users. Logistics companies can also install their workflow management, pick and pack and fleet management apps onto the device.
Hytera PoC devices also support safety applications such as an emergency button, Man Down and Lone Worker alarms. With social distancing measures in place, staff cannot work closely together. But if a lone worker has an accident the safety alarms will be activated and help sent immediately.
14 October 2020